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fag:felles:fagkoder-en [2019/09/13 12:59] – [Sluttdokumentasjon] stunfag:felles:fagkoder-en [2022/01/06 13:49] – [Revisjoner] stun
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-====== Naming of Design Documents ======+====== Technical documentation ======
-Indication of title of technical documentation in the project is governed by requirements in the Technical RegulationsThis applies to the title field on the front of documents and in the title block for drawings, as well as on document plans and other lists that refer to documentation. +This is an excerpt from [[ STY-602913.DOCX & action = default & mobileredirect = true | PDP template]] (Project-specific document management procedure) 
-For standardization of titles for each projectshall it  refer to the project's PDP.+For a complete overview of requirements for documentsplease refer to the project's PDP.
-===== Document Number =====+===== Requirements for archiving and storage =====
-The document number is assigned by the project's document manager according to the project's PDP.+The supplier is obliged to have a project archive for technical documentation for all official audits with an electronic signature. 
 +The supplier shall use a suitable electronic system that at least takes care of numbering, audit handling, status codes, deadlines, as well as traceability of files and shipments.
-All technical documents and drawings produced by the project are assigned a unique document number. Each project unit's document management manager manages and assigns serial numbers to the projects and the external contractors. +The archive must be available and in accordance with requirements for safety and durability with a minimum duration beyond the warranty period or in relation to a possible maintenance agreement.
-The document number is divided into subcodes and consists of project code, parcel code (area code), document type (subject code) and 5-digit serial number.+
 +The production format for all deliveries must be handed over to Bane NOR on request and is also mandatory for ‘as built’ publications (D revisions), or generally for final delivery of a delivery / partial delivery to Bane NOR.
 +In connection with small changes, alterations, rehabilitations and modifications, Bane NOR reserves the right to change models or drawings afterwards without prior approval from the supplier.
-^ ID Prosjekt  ^    | Parsell code  |    | Subject kode prosjecting  |    | serial number +The production format for drawings / models the original format from the CAD program the files are produced in, incl. Xref / support files, e.g. AutoCAD (.dwg), Revit (.rvt), Tekla (.db1), Bentley (.dgn), Novapoint (.dwg). BIM / 3D models are delivered in .dwg format, alternatively IFC, LandXML or other format by appointment.
-| ABC          | -  | 99            | -  | N                         | -  | 12345          |+
 +Bane NOR reserves the right to make revisions of the supplier's original archive..
 +===== Document plan =====
 +Document plans are used for several purposes in the project. All participants in the project must plan their document production in accordance with current requirements, regulations and schedules. The document plan will also be used in connection with the import of metadata to Bane NOR's systems, so that manual registration is limited. Furthermore, the document plan must form the basis for status reporting from eSAM.
-Example: URH-00-A-00001.+The supplier shall prepare a complete document plan for all technical documentation included in the delivery. The document plan must be prepared and handled as a separate technical document with a document number and technical front page. The plan must be sent officially to Bane NOR for comment and acceptance, both in PDF and XLSX format.
 +In connection with the construction plan and preparation of FDV and Manufacturing documentation for end customers, the document plan will also be used for import to the operating archives for reserving FDV no. (Operating number) from Bane NOR's operating organization.
-Subject codes are used to distinguish between the documentation of the various subjects that are part of the project. There is one technical code for design and another for documentation for management purposes+FDV no. Is applied to the document plan by Bane NOR when the plan is of satisfactory quality and in good time before the FDV documentation is prepared
-The subject code is to be used to group the technical documentation to which topic they are addressed and consists of one character.<WRAP hide>(FIXME: Gjennomgå planfaseneHer er det mye rusk. Og prosjekteringsveilederen burde ikke være styrende på hva fagkodene betyr.)</WRAP>+FDV no. and revision number must be applied in the title block / title field for all technical documents and drawings before the documentation is transferred to operationIt is the individual supplier's responsibility that this is done.
-Følgende fagkoder for prosjektering benyttes:+During the process, the project will be able to change the layout of the document plan's content and structure if necessary
-^ Fag-kode prosjektering  ^ Fagkode dokumentasjon  ^ Fag/anvendelse                                                                           ^ Merknad                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ^ +===== Design and signing of technical documentation ===== 
-|  A                      |                        | Tekstdokumenter                                                                          | All text documents that include cover pagestable of contents, professional text documents and drawing lists.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | +All documentation must be readablethis means that original files must be converted directly from originals to pdf so that it is possible to use the table of contents to browse the documentationTechnical documents shall be prepared based on Bane NOR's template for technical documents (refBane NOR's Technical Regulations), see project-specific templates Appendix 2 template for document coverFor FDV documentationthe documents must contain bookmarks for easy navigation.
-|  B                      |                        | Overview plan, situation plan line map and station plan (FDV)                          | An outline plan that shows the entire plan area and any towns and landmarks that help to establish the area. The drawing letter is also used for drawings such as line maps and station plans such as scrolls. is used for FDV drawing, where the drawing number is matched to the original line mapnr                                                                                                                     | +
-|  C                      | KO                     | Plan and profile rail                                                                  | Displays the vertical profile in the upper half and the plan part in the lower half. The plan section shall contain coordinate networks, equidistance 1 m, north arrow, execution, reference geodata, and symbol use. The profile part shall be manufactured on the same scale as the plan part. Height and length ratio 1: 5. Displays the railroad path along with the terrain profile. The length profile is given in ‰ incline and fall, and radius vertical curves. Must show all constructions. +
-|  D                      | KO, KU                 | Station plans and line maps. Plan and profile roads and other tracks                        | Used for areas that fall outside of C-drawings such as paved roads, operating and construction roads, parking spaces and railway stations, siding, pedestrian and cycle paths.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | +
-|  E                      | KO, KU                 | Different details                                                                           | Displays special elements of the plan, designing intersections and exits, and stations / stops.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | +
-|  F                      | KU                     | Profiles                                                                           | Typical profiles showing minimum dimensions for widths, lengths and heights. Typical electrical objects such as mast foundations for kl, signals, cable channels w / basins, structures, noise shielding, fences, railings and the like must be integrated. Reference lines are highlighted.                                                                                                                                                   | +
-|  G                      | KU                     | Drainage plans                                                                         | Displays existing, redevelopment and new drainage systems. For basins drainage, stream intake / outlet detailed drawings are made.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | +
-|  H                      |                        | VA pipes                                                                            | Displays existing and redesigned public and private water and district heating lines. For sinks, pumping stations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | +
-|  I                      | KU                     | cable pathways, foundations                                                               | Displays cable pathways routes such as cable ducts and pipe junctions under tracks with basins. In addition, the drawing shows all the foundations related to railway technical facilities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         | +
-|  J                      | KU                     | Byggetekniske detaljer                                                                   | Alle detaljer ved anlegget som er nødvendig for å beskrive utførelsen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | +
-|  K                      | KU                     | Konstruksjoner og plattformdetaljer                                                      | Alle konstruksjoner i grunnen og i terreng som må til for å etablere anlegget.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | +
-|  L                      | KO                     | Skilt- og oppmerkingsplaner                                                              | Skiltplaner med oppmerking både for signal, KL, spor, tele- og publikumsanlegg.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               | +
-|  M                      | TE                     | Teleanlegg og kundeinfoanlegg                                                            | Brukes for alle teletekniske skjematiske og geografiske tegninger for innvendig og utvendig anlegg, kundeinformasjon- og høyttaleranlegg.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | +
-|  N                      | EL                     | Elkraft                                                                                  | Viser all utrustning for høy- og lavspent strømforsyning fra leveringspunkt til installasjoner i anlegg.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      | +
-|  Q                      |                        | Kvalitet-, sikkerhet- (inklRAMS), HMS/SHA og tekstdokumentasjon                        | Alle planer for å dokumentere kvalitet og sikkerhet, med RAMS-dokumenter, HMS og SHA, og tilhørende sjekklister, kontrollog kvalitetsplaner.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | +
-|  R                      | EH                     | Kontaktledningsanlegg / Banestrømforsyning                                               | Omfatter alle anlegg knyttet til banestrøm- og kontaktledningsanlegget. Mastetabell kan innarbeides i tegning.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | +
-|  S                      | SA                     | Signalanlegg                                                                             | Viser alle signaltekniske tegninger skjematiske og geografiske for innvendig og utvendig anleggTegningene gis et eget tegningsnummer relatert til prosjektet i tillegg til et signaltegningsnummer relatert til prosedyren for signaltegninger.                                                                                                                                                                             | +
-|  T                      |                        | Perspektivtegninger og skråfoto3D-modeller                                             | Alle illustrasjoner og 3D-modeller som benyttes til illustrasjon og visning av prosjektet. Gjelder også fagmodeller og samordningsmodeller overfor 3D-modellering.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | +
-|  U                      | KU                     | Tverrprofiler                                                                            | Viser anlegget med snitt hver 10 meter langs trase.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | +
-|  V                      | UB                     | Geotekniske og geologiske tegninger                                                      | Viser grunnundersøkelser, målinger og vurderinger av i grunnen. Viser nødvendige tiltak med grunnforsterkning, bolting og øvrige tiltak for å oppnå tilstrekkelig underbygning                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | +
-|  W                      | EI                     | Grunnerverv og reguleringsplankart                                                       | Kart med nødvendig grunnerverv og grunneierdata. Reguleringsplankart til bruk i arealvedtak.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | +
-|  X                      | EI                     | Temategninger                                                                            | Nødvendige tegninger, visualiseringer og skisser som skal til for å illustrere prosjektet utover øvrige tegninger.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            | +
-|  Y                      |                        | Stikningskart, sporgeometri, skjematiske tegninger, midlertidig sporplan og faseplaner.  | Kart som viser trase med senter spor, med nødvendige fastmerker som er benyttet, og nødvendige stikningsdata til bruk ved bygging av anlegget. Sporvekseltegninger. Faseplan som beskriver rekkefølge for gjennomføringen av nødvendige endringer i togfremføringen. Alle faser skal vise nødvendige tiltak som må til for å fremføre toget.                                                                                  | +
-|  Z                      |                        | Mengdeoppstilling og sammendrag.  Risikofylte arbeider                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | +
-|  0                      |                        | Øvrige tekniske dokumenter (benyttes dersom ingen andre koder passer)                    |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |+
 +The documentation must be self-explanatory and have the necessary references / references to associated documents and drawings. All technical documentation must have a unique document number, revision code, FDV number and revision number in the title block / title field.
-==== Revisions ====+A4 format must be used for technical text documents, see appendix 1. A3 format can be used for tables / sketches, and the like that are included in technical text documents. All pages in technical documents must have a header with the document title, document number, date, revision number and page number (page x of y). All signature fields on the front page must be filled in with initials. 
 +2D. Signed by the person who prepared the drawing / revision. 
 +2E. Signed by the person who checked the drawing / revision. 
 +2F. Signed by the person who has approved the drawing / revision. 
 +Field 2E (checked by) and field 2F (approved by) can not be signed by the same person.
-In addition, all documentation must have a revision number to satisfy the follow-up to the document's history. The revision number is not part of the document number.+AutoCAD files with x-ref files must be checked and packaged (zipped) before handing over to the FDV archive. 
 +Completion of title fields for technical drawings shall be prepared based on Bane NOR's template, 
 +see Appendix 3 - Template Title block for Technical Drawing. Project members can order / download a standard plug-in template (PTG - Project Template Generator) to AutoCAD to complete the title field from this link: 
 +The title field should be legible and should always be placed in the bottom right corner. Unless otherwise specifically agreed, technical drawings shall not consist of several pages. All signature fields on the front page must be filled in with a user ID and the supplier must send a signature list to the contract area, which must be updated at all times. The person conferencing and approving the documentation must not be the same person. 
 +Deviations from the above design requirements are only permitted after approval by Bane NOR's project manager. The approval must be documented. 
 +===== Naming of technical documents and drawings ===== 
 +Administrative documents: 
 +<Project name> - “document type, name” 
 +Example: ERTMS Experience section East Line - Organization map 
 +Generic Documentation (GP / GA): Generic Product - “Product Type”, “Product Name” - “Document Type” 
 +Generic Application - “Product Type”, “Product Name” - “Document Type” 
 +Generic Product - EBITRACK2000, Shaft Counter System Installation Description 
 +Generic Application - CBSS_BV_L2 - ETCS Level 2 - System Description 
 +AIRTECH - TYPE XYZZA Cooling System - Maintenance Manual 
 +Specific application (SA): 
 +Track Track, "subject" - "Product type", "Product name" - "document type" 
 +Example: Østfold line east line, (Ski) - (Sarpsborg), ETCS / IL- LOP_01 Local Operator Space - Functional description 
 +Site-specific documentation: 
 +Course Course section, “Location”, subject ”-“ document type ” 
 +Example: Østfold line east line, (Ski) - (Sarpsborg), Plots Station, ETCS / IL - Plan and cable plan 
 +The file name must be the same for all versions of the document during the project's lifetime (without the use of date, rev, or other terms) 
 +===== Document Numbering ===== 
 +All technical documents and drawings produced under the auspices of the project (suppliers, subcontractors or internally) shall bear a unique document number in accordance with this procedure. The document management manager or equivalent role administers and assigns serial number series to the project and its contracting parties. 
 +The document number consists of: project code, parcel code (area division), subject code and a 5-digit serial number separated by a hyphen. In addition, all documentation must have an audit number to satisfy follow-up of the document's history. The revision number is not part of the document number. 
 +===== Document Numbering Structure ===== 
 +All documents and drawings must have the following format in the code structure: 
 +^ Project code ^ | Parcel code | | Document type | | Serial number | 
 +| XXX | - | NN | - | X | - | NNNNN | 
 +Table 1: Document numbering structure 
 +Examples: URH-00-A-00001, see chapter 6.3.4-7 for an overview of which codes (project code, parcel code, document type and serial number) apply to this project. 
 +===== Project code ===== 
 +This code consists of 3 letters that tell which project in Bane NOR the document belongs to. The code must be included as part of the numbering structure for technical documentation. 
 +^ Code ^ Description ^ 
 +| <XXX> | <enter project name> | 
 +Table 2: Project code (The table will be expanded as needed) 
 +<Project code is defined by the document management manager in collaboration with the project manager> 
 +===== Parcel - “area / stretch” ===== 
 +This code consists of 2 characters (numeric). The code identifies the project's area division. 
 +If the document has no reference to parcel, 00 (zero, zero) must be used. 
 +^ Code ^ Description ^ 
 +| 00 | General / Generic documentation | 
 +| <XX> | <enter description>
 +Table 3: Parcel (The table will be expanded as needed) 
 +<parcel codes are defined by the document management manager in collaboration with the project manager> 
 +===== Subject codes ===== 
 +Specification of subject codes in the project is governed by requirements in the Technical Regulations. Subject codes are used to distinguish between the documentation for the various subjects in the project. There is one professional code for engineering and another for documentation for administrative purposes. The subject code for engineering shall be used to group the technical documentation into topics and consist of one character. See the table below. 
 +Subject codes are used to distinguish between the documentation of the various subjects involved in the project. There is one professional code for engineering and another for documentation for administrative purposes. 
 +Subject code engineering shall be used to group the technical documentation to which topic they deal, and consists of one character. 
 +<WRAP hide> (FIXME: Review the planning phases. There is a lot of debris here. And the design supervisor should not be in control of what the subject codes mean.) </WRAP> 
 +The following subject codes for engineering are used: 
 +^ Subject code design ^ Subject code documentation ^ Subject / application ^ Note ^ 
 +| A | | Home, Table of Contents, Text Documents, Drawing Lists | All text documents that include front pages, table of contents, professional text documents and drawing lists. | 
 +| B | KO | Overview plans, Plan and profiles (situation plan) | Overview plan that shows the entire planning area and possibly towns and landmarks that help to locate the area. The drawing letter is also used for drawings such as line maps and station plans such as bla. is used for FDV drawing, where the drawing number is adapted to the original line map no. | 
 +| C | KO | Railway. Plan and profiles (line plan) | Displays vertical profile in the upper half and the planar part in the lower. The plan part shall contain coordinate network, equidistance 1 m, north arrow, execution, reference geodata, and symbol use. The profile part must be manufactured on the same scale as the plan part. Height and length ratio 1: 5. Shows the railway route together with the terrain profile. The length profile is given in ‰ rise and fall, and the radius of vertical curves. Shall show important constructions and elements that are important for the railway system | 
 +| D | KO, KU | Station plans, siding, roads. Plan and profiles | Used for areas that fall outside C-drawings such as rerouted roads, operating and construction roads, parking lots and station facilities, siding, walkways and cycle paths. | 
 +| E | KO, KU | Details (details belonging to D drawings) | Displays special elements in the plan, design of intersections and exits, and stations / stops. | 
 +| F | KU | Normal profiles | Typical profiles where minimum dimensions for widths, lengths and heights appear. Typical electrical objects such as mast foundations for clocks, signals, cable ducts with troughs, structures, noise shielding, fences, railings and the like must be integrated. Reference lines are highlighted. | 
 +| G | KU | Drainage plans | Shows both existing, conversions and new drainage systems. For drains, stream inlets / outlets, detailed drawings are made. | 
 +| H | KU | Public and private water mains | Shows existing and converted public and private water supply and district heating lines. For manholes, pumping stations. | 
 +| I | KU | Cables, guides and foundations | Shows guideways such as cable ducts and pipe crossings under tracks with troughs. In addition, the drawing shows all foundations related to railway technical facilities. | 
 +| J | KU | Construction details | All the details of the plant that are necessary to describe the execution. | 
 +| K | KU | Constructions | All constructions in the ground and in the terrain needed to establish the facility. Platform and foundations for technical facilities. | 
 +| L | KO | Sign and marking plans | Sign plans with markings for signal, KL, tracks, telecommunications and public facilities. | 
 +| M | TE | Telecommunication systems and customer information systems | Used for all telecommunications schematic and geographical drawings for internal and external systems, customer information and loudspeaker systems. | 
 +| N | EL | Electric power | Displays all equipment for high and low voltage power supply from delivery point to installations in facilities. | 
 +| O | KU | Planting plans | | 
 +| P | KU | Mass profile and diagram | | 
 +| Q | | Quality, safety (incl. RAMS), HSE / SHA and text documentation and checklists | All plans to document quality and safety, with RAMS documents, HSE and SHA, and associated checklists, control and quality plans. | 
 +| R | EH | Track current. Overhead contact line and power supply | Includes all facilities connected to the railway power supply and the overhead contact line facility. Mast table can be incorporated into drawing. | 
 +| S | SA | Signaling facilities | Displays all signal technical drawings schematic and geographical for internal and external systems. The drawings are given a separate drawing number related to the project in addition to a signal drawing number related to the procedure for signal drawings. | 
 +| T | KO, KU | Perspective drawings and oblique photo (visual presentation) | All illustrations and 3D models used for illustration and display of the project. Also applies to professional models and coordination models for 3D modeling. | 
 +| U | KU | Cross sections | Shows the facility with regular cuts in the terrain (eg every 10 meters) along the route. | 
 +| V | KU | Geotechnical and geological drawings | Shows ground surveys, measurements and assessments of the ground. Shows necessary measures with ground reinforcement, bolting and other measures to achieve sufficient substructure. | 
 +| W | KU | Land acquisition | Map with necessary land acquisition and landowner data and plan map for use in obtaining an approved area plan decision. | 
 +| X | KO | Theme drawings | Necessary drawings, visualizations and sketches needed to illustrate the project beyond other drawings. | 
 +| Y | KO | Track geometry, schematic track plan, temporary track plan, graphical route | Map showing the route with the center track, with the necessary fixed marks that have been used, and the necessary stitching data for use in the construction of the facility. Interchange drawings. Phase plan that describes the order for the implementation of necessary changes in the train operation. All phases must show the necessary measures needed to drive the train. | 
 +| Z | KU | Quantity statement and summary. | Drawings and tables showing the mass and quantity lists of the plant. Drawings showing measures and an overview of risky work according to the SHA plan. | 
 +| 0 | | Other technical documents (used if no other codes are appropriate) |Should be avoided | 
 +Table 4: Document type 
 +===== Serial number ===== 
 +The serial number consists of five digits. This number is the unique identifier that identifies the document within each project, parcel and document type. There can thus be several documents with the same serial number, as long as the combination of project, parcel and document type is different. 
 +^ Manufacturer ^ Subject area / Responsibility | Serial Number Series | 
 +| Bane NOR self-produced | All subject areas | 00001-09999 | 
 +| <enter manufacturer> | <enter subject / responsibility area> | <enter series> | 
 +Table 5: Serial number (The table will be expanded as needed) 
 +<Serial number series are defined by the document management manager or equivalent role in collaboration with the project manager> 
 +===== Models ===== 
 +Agreed with the document manager 
 +===== Model structure ===== 
 +For larger 3D models, a separate text document must be established which is audited in the usual way. All model files must be listed in the document. The actual shipment must be highlighted / marked so that they are easy to identify. 
 +Figure 3: Model structure 
 +Delivery frequency and richness of detail can vary from project to project. 
 +==== Revisions ====
-The revision number for a document or drawing is a sequential number that increases by 1 each time a new revision of the document / drawing is officially released. For official releases, the revision code will also consist of a status code that tells the purpose of the release. 2 digits are used to ensure correct (alphanumeric) sorting in lists and reports. Note that the revision number is not part of the document number. It is a requirement that the counter in the revision number increases for each release. This means that there should not be multiple variants of the same number (00C, 00D, 00U etc) on a document or drawing. There should be no gaps in the revision series for a document or drawing. All official releases should be handled as revisions and thus covered by the rules of this instruction. The revision number should always start at 00 (first release), then the counter should continuously increase for each release. An official audit should always be combined with the release status (see table below).+The revision number of a document or drawing is a sequential number that increases by 1 each time a new revision of the document / drawing is officially published. For official releases (revisions), the revision code will also consist of a status code that states the purpose of the release. Two (2digits are used to ensure correct (alphanumeric) sorting in lists and reports. Note that the revision number is not part of the document number. 
 +It is a requirement that the counter in the revision number increases for each release. This means that there should be no more variants of the same number (00C, 00D, 00U etc.of a document or drawing. There shall be no gaps in the revision series for a document or drawing. 
 +All official publications shall be treated as revisions and are thus covered by the rules of this procedure. The revision number should always start at 00 (first release), then the counter should continuously increase for each release. An official revision must always be combined with the release status (see table below).
-^  Revisjons-bokstav  ^ Beskrivelse                                                                                                                      | Eksempel          | 
-|  A                  | Konsept / løsningsforslag   Benyttes ved alle planfaser utredning, hovedplan, detaljplan og byggeplan                            | 00A, 01A, ......  | 
-|  B                  | Tilbudsgrunnlag. Benyttes ved dokumeter og tegninger som sendes ut på tilbudsforspørsel                                          | 02B, 03B,.....    | 
-|  C                  | Arbeidsdokument/ -tegning. Benyttes på tegninger og dokumenter som utgis for bygging og installasjon.                            | 04C, 05C,.....    | 
-|  D                  | Som bygget. D-revisjonen benyttes på tegninger og dokumenter som utgis etter bygging og installasjon.                            | 06D, 07D,.....    | 
-|  E                  | Systemdokumentasjon og dokumentasjons av spesiell karakter. (prosjektmanualer, org. kart, systemdokumentasjon, datablader, ol.)  |                   | 
-|  U                  | Utgår. Dkumenter og tegninger som tidligere er utgitt og som skal utgå påføres neste løpenummer og status U                      | 08U               | 
 +^ Revision letter ^ Description | Example |
 +| A | ** Concept / solution proposal ** In the event of changes, the serial number is increased. In the field «The revision applies», only the following must be stated: Concept / solution proposal and any short description of the change from the previous revision. | 00A, 01A, ...... |
 +| B | ** Tender basis ** B-revision shall be used in the preparation of tender drawings / documents. In the event of changes, the audit's serial number (03B, 04B, etc.) is increased. | 02B, 03B, ..... |
 +| C | ** Working document / drawing ** C-revision shall be used on drawings and documents issued for construction and installation. In the event of changes after this, the serial number (05C, 06C, etc.) is increased. | 04C, 05C, ..... |
 +| D | ** As built ** D-revision shall be used on drawings and documents issued after construction and installation. In the event of changes after this, increase the serial number (07D, 08D, etc.) \\ In the field «Revision applies», only: «As built» and any short description of change from the previous revision. | 06D, 07D, ..... |
 +| E | ** System documentation and / or documentation of a general nature ** E-audit shall be used for general / generic documentation (management system, project manuals, organization charts, system documentation / product documentation, standard user manuals, data sheets, etc.) and general documentation that is not directly related to construction and installation activities. \\ In the field «Revision applies» only the reason for the publication and possibly a short description of the change from the previous revision shall appear. Descriptions such as "For comment / approval", "For information", "For consultation" and the like should be avoided as this should be stated in the purpose of the submission. | |
 +| U | ** Deleted ** Documents / drawings that have previously been published and that are to be deleted are affixed to the next serial number and status U-expired- on the document itself (09U, 10U, etc.). A U-revision must thus be treated in the same way as other publications. appear: Expired and any brief description of the change from the previous revision. | 08U |
-For foreløpige interne utgaver kan det ved behov benyttes en revisjonskode for interne/foreløpige utgaver som ikke er en offisiell revisjon/utgivelse. +Table 6: Release status
-==== Final documentation ==== +The figure below shows how the letters are typically used in different project phases. The number of revisions per phase may vary.
-At the completion of the project, all as building drawings are documented and filed according to [[|STY-600218 Document Management in Projects]], and the project's PSD. +
-The documentation will then be given a new documentation number with a professional code for documentation and a new drawing number in the title field.+
 +^ ^ Study ^ Master plan ^ Detailed plan / tender basis ^ Construction plan / production ^ Final phase / handover ^
 +| Generic documentation (not phase dependent) | 00E | 01E | 02E | 03E | 04E |
 +| Cross-phase documentation 00A | 01a | 02B 03B | 04C 05C | 06D |
 +Figure 4: Ex Revision coding
 +==== Sluttdokumentasjon====
 +Ved sluttføring av prosjektet dokumenteres og arkiveres alle som bygget-tegninger etter **{{ :digitalplan:sty-605016.pdf  |STY-605016}}**, og prosjektets PSD.
 +Dokumentasjonen får da påført et nytt dokumentasjonsnummer med fagkode for dokumentasjon og et nytt tegningsnummer i tittelfeltet.
fag/felles/fagkoder-en.txt · Sist endret: 2024/09/04 08:56 av elvhak

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